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Late check-out

Generate more revenues with no effort by letting Duve offer your guests the option to book a late check-out in a smart process.

By enabling the Duve Late check-out upsell option, the system will offer your guests the possibility to order a late check-out in the pre check-out Wizard and in the guest app.

The late check-out option will be visible to the guests only if the night of the guest´s check-out day is available.

In the late check-out upsell settings page you can configure:

    1. How many days before the check-out Duve will offer late check-out
    1. Timeframes and pricing
    1. Payments methods
  1. The message that will be sent automatically to the relevant guests

Get started

To set up the Late check-out upsell, go to the Settings page > Check-out tab, and scroll to the ” Late check-out upsell” box. Click on “Configure late check-out”

You must enable the Services by Duve first, to be able to configure late check-out.

Late Check-out settings


The first option is for you to choose if the booking of the late check-out will be available for the guests all the time, or only a few days before the check-out. If you choose the option of a few days before, you need as well to choose how many days before the check-out it will be visible to the guests.

Important: if there is a check-in the day of the guest’s check-out, the late check-out option won’t be visible to the guest at all.


Add a description of the late check-out policy. Special rules or instructions should be inserted here as well.

Tip: You have an example for a late check-out policy near the description box.

After you add the description, don’t forget to translate it.


Add the different pricing by day and by time. 

Important: You can override this pricing in each rental page if needed to custom the late check-our pricing for a specific rental.

The currency is determined by the default currency of the company. You can update the currency in the general settings tab.

You can add specific time frames with the price 0 (zero), if you wish the system to offer the late check-out option, when possible, with no additional costs. For example, the first hour after the standard check-out time can be set as free, and from the 2nd hour it will be with extra charge).

Payment options

Determine the guest’s payment options. Cash or/and credit card.

To add the credit card option, you must connect your account to a Stripe account, in the Services tab under the settings.


You can choose to enable discounts for the guests who will book their late check out through Duve.

With the option to set as many rules as you wish, you can set how much discount the guest will receive, depending on how many days before the check-out the service will be booked.

Upsell auto message

Set an automatic pre-scheduled message offering your guests the late check-out upsell.

You can set how many days before and at what time your guests will receive the auto message and if the message will be sent via the Duve chat or SMS (or both).

Message text

Add the message text (or use our template) your guests will receive and add the dynamic parameters on the right side of the text to make a personalized message, with the reservation and property details.

After you edit, don’t forget to click on Translate to all languages and then Save. Like this your guests will receive the message in their own language.

Cancellation policy rules

For guests who will cancel the service after booked, you can set how much they will be refunded, depending on when they canceled the service.

You can set as many rules as you want for the refunds.

If no rules will be added, the service will be 100% non-refundable.

That’s it, you are done.

As always, for any questions or assistance, it is best to contact us through the chat in the front desk. We are at your service.

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