How does the deposit collection work?
The deposit collection allows you to collect and hold a deposit payment from your guests before their arrival, through Duve’s pre-check-in wizard. The amount collected is automatically released back to the guest’s account, 3 days after the check-out date, unless manually claimed.
When guests enter their credit card details to the deposit collection page, the deposit is held from their account for 7 days. If the guest is still In-House or hasn’t arrived within those 7 days, the deposit will be held once more, 4 days before the guest checks out in order to allow you enough time to charge the guest after they checked-out if there is any damage to the property.
If for any reason the guest’s card was not authorized, they will receive an email asking them to enter new card details.
In order to enable the deposit collection, go to your Duve dashboard. Click on the settings page, then on the Check-in tab.
Scroll down until you see the “collect security deposit” box. When you click on it, the settings options will appear. You will be able to select:
How much to charge?
Choose both the amount you want to collect, and customize the amount by unit. You can enter a fixed price or choose to collect a % of the reservation total. If you don’t want to collect the same amount from all your units, you can customize the amount collected by using tags.
In the example above, all units with the tag “luxury” will be asked to make a deposit for the amount of 100 Euros. Units without the “luxury” tag will not be asked to make a deposit.
You can add as many tags as needed in order to perfectly customize the amount collected. If one of your rentals/rooms is assigned to 2 different tags, each with different deposit amounts, the system will automatically collect the higher amount from your guests.
Title and explanation
Next, enter a title and explanation for your guests, so they will know why you are collecting a deposit from them and assuring them the amount will be returned. You can use the dynamic fields in order to make sure your explanation is personal.
Booking source and reservation status customization
Lastly, you can exclude specific booking sources and reservations statuses from the deposit collection. Making sure you customize the deposit collection to your needs.
Guest view
Once enabled, the deposit collection will be added as a step in your online check-in wizard. The title and explanation you enter will appear below the top icon.
Deposit Fees
The fee that is taken for deposit collection varies, depending on the deposit amount you request from guests:
- For deposits of 0-150$, the fee is 2% of the deposit amount.
- For deposit over 151$ the fee is 1% of the deposit amount.
Additional Stripe or Payoneer fees apply only when the deposit is claimed from the guest, and is non refundable.
Claiming deposits from guests
The security deposit is returned to the guest in full 3 days after check-out, provided there is no damage to the property. If something happened and you need to claim a part, or the entire sum you collected as a deposit, you can do so on the reservation page.
Find the reservation you would like to claim the deposit from and scroll down until you see the “payment” section.
The security deposit row will show you the total amount collected from the guests, as well as the last day available to claim the deposit. If you are no longer able to claim the deposit from your guest because too much time has passed, you will see a “charged window expired” warning.
In order to make the claim, click on the “charge deposit” link at the end of the row.
In the pop-up, you can select the exact amount you want to charge and add a note. The Maximum amount available to charge is the full amount of the security deposit taken.