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Communication Hub

The Communication Hub is your guest engagement control center where your team can view, automate, manage and customize all guest communications. ​

Where can I find the communication hub?

The Hub is easily accessible from the left side menu in your Duve account.

Managing Guest Communication​

The landing page of the Communication Hub shows all open conversations. The field to enter text to communicate with guests through all of the channels you are connected to (Chat, SMS, WhatsApp) is at the bottom of the screen. There are options to attach images and files, insert dynamic parameters, and add canned responses in the messages to the guests. 

Important Note: Chat messages that are not opened in the Guest App Chat will automatically be sent via email if the guest does not view the chat message from the Guest App within 3 minutes.

Dynamic Parameters

Dynamic parameters can be used to personalize messages with information from the reservation, guest profile or room/ rental info. Guidebook posts and upsells are also given dynamic parameters to be able to link to the Chat. 

To view additional details about each guest by clicking ‘Show Details’


Add Note

A user can include internal notes in guest conversations to notify team members of any important issues with a guest or highlight important parts of the conversation. The Guest will not see any Notes sent by team members.

Assign a team member to a conversation

Each team member or manager can be assigned to chat conversations. 

Tagging team members

The communication hub can also be used for internal communication between team members. You can tag a team member to a conversations using internal notes. The internal note you add will not be visible to guests and will only be visible to additional users on your account. When you tag a team member, you are “linking” them in the conversation. To tag, simply type the @ symbol and then the start of the team member’s user name. 

The team member will receive a notification about the tag, in addition, the conversation will also appear under the ‘mentioned’ section in the left side menu.

Close, Priority & Snooze Conversations

Close – After a conversation is resolved, you can mark the conversation as closed in order to clear your inbox. You will still have access to all closed conversations, in the ‘Closed’ tab in the sidebar menu.

Snooze – The Snooze function allows users to schedule a conversation to snooze notifications and reappear at a more relevant time.

For example, if a guest asks for a special request before a week before arrival, the user can snooze the conversation to reappear a day before their check-in date, reminding you to message the guest back or keep your team updated when it is most relevant.

Priority – In order to keep track of prioritized conversations, each user can flag a conversation as priority. They are signified with a red flag and will also appear under the Priority tab in the sidebar menu.

Navigation Menu

My Inbox tab in the sidebar menu allows users to easily view and manage their assigned conversations. 

The Priority field holds all conversations that were marked Priority.

The Snoozed field holds all conversations that were Snoozed.

The Mentioned field in the sidebar menu will show all conversations that the user has been mentioned in.

Broadcast Messaging & Filters

The Communication Hub allows users to send broadcast messages to groups of guests based on Smart Filters such as Check-in day, In-House and Check-out day. A user can also select to send a broadcast message to guests arriving, in-house or departing on a day or by range of dates as well use a range of filters to communicate with different groups of guests. 

The filters available are:

  • Booking Source
  • Reservation Status
  • Pre Check-in status (Done/Invalid/Excluded/Partially/ Not Started)
  • ID/Passport Scan (Complete/Not Complete)
  • Payment (Paid, Missing)
  • Nights (Minimum/Exact/Maximum)
  • Guests (Number of Adults/Children/Babies)

Filters and groups of filters can be saved and reused. 

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